Monday, September 11, 2006

from GreenBuzz

Taking Care of Business

California passed the landmark California Global Warming Solutions Act recently, and as California goes, so goes the nation -- at least in theory. In reality, things will move more slowly than most concerned citizens would like -- the California law doesn't even really kick in until 2012.

It's certainly not too soon. Business leaders are increasingly concerned about the business impacts of climate change, including the uncertainty that comes from not knowing how to plan for potential changes in regulations. California's move could help, telegraphing where national policy might be headed.

The law also signaled a growing power of smaller companies in environmental debates, as Byron Kennard writes. One likely reason for small businesses' support of greenhouse gas regulation: The law is expected to unleash a new wave of business opportunity, and small, innovative companies stand to claim a good piece of the action.

It's a classic win-win: Business and society aligned with environmentalists in a manner that offers hope and promise for all.

-- Joel Makower, Executive Editor

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