Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Do we read the same books?

Just a friendly reminder that I invited you to Shelfari. Come see the books I love and see if we have any in common. Then pick my next book so I can keep on reading.

Click below to join my group of friends on Shelfari!

Carl Macki

Shelfari is a free site that lets you share book ratings and reviews with friends and meet people who have similar tastes in books. It also lets you build an online bookshelf, join book clubs, and get good book recommendations from friends. You should check it out.

You have received this email because Carl Macki ( directly invited you to join his/her community on Shelfari.

It is against Shelfari's policies to invite people who you don't know directly. Follow this link to prevent future invitations to this address. If you believe you do not know this person, you may view his/her Shelfari page or report him/her in our feedback section.

Shelfari, 616 1st Ave #300, Seattle, WA 98104

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Do we like the same books?

I just joined Shelfari to connect with other book lovers. Come see the books I love and see if we have any in common. Then pick my next book so I can keep on reading.

Click below to join my group of friends on Shelfari!

Carl Macki

Shelfari is a free site that lets you share book ratings and reviews with friends and meet people who have similar tastes in books. It also lets you build an online bookshelf, join book clubs, and get good book recommendations from friends. You should check it out.

You have received this email because Carl Macki ( directly invited you to join his/her community on Shelfari.

It is against Shelfari's policies to invite people who you don't know directly. Follow this link to prevent future invitations to this address. If you believe you do not know this person, you may view his/her Shelfari page or report him/her in our feedback section.

Shelfari, 616 1st Ave #300, Seattle, WA 98104

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Carbon webinar series - - Coming To Grips With Carbon

carbon webinar banner
Both the prospect of climate change and the reality of changing market expectations demand that companies understand and manage their emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). This webinar series (part of the ongoing Carbon Neutral Learning™ program from Natural Logic) will bring you practical, up-to-date guidance from leading practitioners.

Series host: Gil Friend, CEO, Natural Logic

Remaining dates: October 25, November 1, November 8
Time: All sessions begin at 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Length: 60 minutes each
Cost: $129 per session (per location, not per person - feel free to gather your colleagues around a computer and a speakerphone

Here's what participants said about Session 1 - Figuring Out Your Footprint:
- "Very effective"
- "One of the best presenters I've ever heard - succinct, clear, knowledgeable"
- "Provided a great framework for getting started"
- "Clear concise and effective"
- 90.3% would recommend this series to their colleagues

Register now!

Carbon Emissions Reduction Strategies
DATE: Thursday, October 25
1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

Carbon Trading and Offsets
DATE: Thursday, November 1
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

Panel Discussion: Future Outlook for Carbon Management
DATE: Thursday, November 8
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

Register now!

Carbon Emissions Reduction Strategies

DATE: Thursday, October 25
1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Practical strategies for reducing your company's carbon footprint through efficiency improvements and operational changes. Topics include: conducting a carbon audit; identifying priority emissions sources; identifying and evaluating alternatives; making the financial case; managing implementation.
Presented by: Malcolm Lewis, President, CTG Energetics

Carbon Trading and Offsets
DATE: Thursday, November 1
1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
With AB 32 carbon trading regulations coming on line in California, carbon trading in the United States will move from voluntary to economically driven. This session will address what you'll need to know to develop your trading strategy and implement it profitably. (And to understand the debate over whether offsets represent efficient capital allocation or modern indulgences). Presented by: Adam Davis, President, Solano Partners

Panel Discussion: Future Outlook for Carbon Management

DATE: Thursday, November 8
1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Join our panel of experts to look over the horizon at the future of carbon management and climate change issues, including: regulatory directions; business strategies; and prospects for new technologies.
Panelists: Gil Friend, Kyle Tanger, Malcolm Lewis, Adam Davis

Register now!
About the presenters
Gil Friend is president and CEO of Natural Logic, Inc., a sustainability consulting firm helping clients build economic advantage through exceptional environmental performance. A systems ecologist and business strategist with 35 years experience in business, communications and environmental innovation, Friend combines broad business experience with unique content experience spanning strategy, systems ecology, economic development, management cybernetics, and public policy. Tomorrow Magazine called him "One of the country's leading environmental management consultants -- a real expert who combines theoretical sophistication with hands-on, in-the-trenches know-how."
Kyle Tanger is principal of Clear Carbon Consulting. He manages numerous GHG and energy projects with Fortune 50, Federal, and Non-Profit clients. Kyle has managed the inventory efforts of multiple clients with combined emissions totaling in excess of 60 million metric tons CO2. Mr. Tanger served as a peer reviewer for the World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development's Greenhouse Gas Protocol, contributed extensive written comments to multiple guidance documents for GHG registries, and has presented at international GHG conferences. He has worked extensively to create tools that measure financial performance of climate mitigation strategies and offset portfolios.
Dr. Malcolm Lewis, P.E., President of CTG Energetics, has over 30 years of experience in engineering design and analysis of building energy-using systems. He has been the engineer of record for over 25 million square feet of new construction and renovation projects for public and private sectors. Specialized experience with the introduction of innovative technologies into buildings and design processes; since the mid-1990�s his practice has focused on the design of "green buildings." He fuses his expertise in energy- efficiency and green buildings to lead his firm's practice in carbon emissions reduction. He has served as an adjunct Professor in the UCLA School of Architecture, and he holds a Doctor of Engineering degree from Dartmouth College.
Adam Davis is President of Solano Partners, Inc., a consulting firm focused on environmental economics and conservation finance issues. Prior to founding Solano Partners, Adam served as Director of the Environment Division for EPRIsolutions, a consulting firm owned by the Electric Power Research Institute. Adam also co-founded and served as Principal at Natural Strategies, Inc., a management consulting firm working with companies to integrate sustainability principles into business strategy. Core clients included British Petroleum (Solar division), John Hancock Financial Services, Lowe's (home improvement stores), Southern California Edison, Genencor International, and the State of California (Cal EPA).

Carbon Neutral Learning™
Natural Logic
PO Box 119 Berkeley, California 94701

Just announced: Natural Logic is proud to co-sponsor
the Netherlands America Business Exchange Innovation Program

Presenting "The Future of Innovation" with Natural Logic CEO Gil Friend and senior executives from Google/YouTube, Sun Microsystems, Scale Venture Partners, Band of Angels, McKinsey, Hewlett Packard, RiOS and NASA (November 15, 6:30 PM). Details and registration
Organized by The Netherland America Business Exchange of Northern California

Visit our new web site for news of other upcoming Natural Logic events

Natural Logic | PO Box 119 | Berkeley | CA | 94701

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ron Paul talks to Grist about the environment

Ron Paul talks to Grist about energy and the environment

Ron Paul has said very little about environmental issues during his quixotic but surprisingly popular presidential campaign -- until now. In an eco-focused interview with Grist and Outside, Paul talks about why he thinks global warming isn't a big deal, why we shouldn't worry about where our oil comes from, and why the government should end all energy subsidies. He also declares the U.S. EPA unnecessary, explains how free markets and private-property rights will save the environment, and talks about his love of bicycling. Don't miss it -- and don't miss the interviews we've done with other presidential candidates.
new in Grist: An interview with Ron Paul
new in Grist: A fact sheet on Ron Paul
in Grist: A special series on the presidential race and the environment

Grist, 710 Second Avenue, Suite 860, Seattle, WA 98104 USA
Phone 206.876.2020 | Fax 253.423.6487 |

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Green Home Blog and New Ask A Pro Q&A

Dear Friends,
Last week DIY launched its new Green Home Blog in partnership with GreenHomeGuide. ]
I am of course proud that we were chosen, and thankful to have green experts David Bergman, Lydia Corser, and Peter Kellner as fellow bloggists.
For little GreenHomeGuide, this is a big opportunity to advocate and explain green choices to a monthly audience of 3+ million home improvers.
Please come share your advice, experience, and enthusiasm on Green Home Blog.
In our last newsletter, we featured sage advice from New York architect David Bergman on when to replace an old appliance.
Here's another way you can save energy and money this winter -- sealing your home's envelope.
Adding a few hundred dollars worth of insulation today can reduce your annual heating bill 10 to 30 percent! So as these fall mornings get crisper and crisper, consult our Energy Efficiency Know-How for tips on choosing green insulation and more.
Also this week, New York-based green designer and consultant Maggie Wood answers questions from readers in Spokane, WA; New York, NY; and Burbank, CA.
Read on to learn more about furnishing your home with products that are both beautiful and healthy, from natural fiber upholstery, window treatments, and floor coverings, to eco-friendly solar blinds.
Maggie offers green tips for renters, too!

ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Lower your winter energy bills
Winter Energy Efficiency
Heating and cooling account for 44 percent of the average home's energy use. They should be your first priority where energy efficiency is concerned. A 10 percent reduction in the energy used to heat and cool your home will cut overall household energy use by 4.4 percent and save hundreds of dollars within a few years.

ASK A PRO: Natural Fibers; Solar Blinds; Tips for Renters
Maggie Wood This week, green designer and consultant Maggie Wood answers questions from readers in Spokane, WA; New York, NY; and Burbank, CA. Maggie is founder and creative director of Maggie Wood Design, a New York-based green design and consulting firm. She holds advanced degrees in both architecture and interior design, is a LEED Accredited Professional and has a research background in environmental health and the built environment. When she's not designing, she can usually be found out in the fields on her organic farm.

Question: I'm having a house built and trying to find healthy alternatives. I thought it was best to go with natural fibers, so I was shocked when I discovered that many of them are dipped in formaldehyde. Can you advise me on selecting safe natural fiber products for my home? -Amber Doyle, Spokane, WA

Read Maggie's answer...

Question: I am looking for solar blinds to reduce my cooling and heating bills, but all the roller shades I have found are primarily PVC and smell terrible. What do you recommend as an effective and environmentally safe modern window covering? -Lisa Dow, New York, NY

Read Maggie's answer...

Question: I am moving into a new apartment. Unfortunately, I did not have any input into its recent renovation. I am concerned about the chemicals in the materials that were used. What can I do to neutralize or minimize these chemicals? Also, how can I "green" my rental? -Alicia Lipinski, Burbank, CA

Read Maggie's answer...

COMING UP: Mari Strain
Coming Tuesday, November 6, three questions for Mari Strain of Flooring Alternatives in Berkeley, California.
If you have a question, click here to Ask A Pro!

Contact Information
GreenHomeGuide | 1151 Willow Avenue | Napa | CA | 94559

Re: News from GreenFaith

GF gif Logo
Join Us for our October 24 Awards Celebration
Dear GreenFaith Friends -
We are very pleased to extend a final invitation to our Second Annual Awards Celebration, which will take place next Wednesday, October 24, from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Newark Club in downtown Newark.
Our honorees this year are the Caldwell Dominican Sisters, Paul Kaufman of the Union for Reform Judaism, Dr. Laurel Kearns of Drew Theological School, and Mark Warner of Sun Farm Network. 
The Celebration will include a Bird-eye View Environmental Justice Tour of Newark from the Newark Club's 21st floor, video highlights of GreenFaith's work, and a delicious meal.  Tickets are $150.
To reserve a space, contact or 732-565-7740 ext. 300.
We hope to see you on October 24th.
Fletcher signature
Rev. Fletcher Harper
Executive Director
Contact Information
46 Bayard St., Suite 401
New Brunswick, NJ  08901
Telephone:  732-565-7740

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cool Cities Training Tonight

"Introduction to Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Inventory Software"
A Conference Call Training Led by Stephanie Cutts, Sierra Club's Cool Cities
Policy Analyst

Tuesday,  October 16 at 4:30 pm PT/ 5:30 pm MT/ 6:30 pm CT/ 7:30 pm ET.  

CALL-IN NUMBER: 866-501-6174
CODE:  223-0705, then press #

Please press * to mute your phone when you initially call in.  
If you would like to ask a question later in the training press # to unmute your phone.

WHAT: Cool Cities are committed to reducing their CO2 emissions by 7% below
1990 levels by 2012.   Learn more about emission inventories and software
that can help your city measure its global warming emissions and formulate
an effective local climate action plan.  

CALL PROTOCOL:  Before the call, please download the presentation attached to this email or download the presentation in the
"Resources" section of the website at so you can follow along during the call.  The PDF file is under the Chapter/Group Leaders(Training and Mobilization) section and is named: "GHG_Inventory&SoftwareIntro", dates 2007.08.08

There will be another training like this one held at the end of the month. An announcement will be sent out soon if you know others who would like to have this training or you were unable to make this training.

If you have questions please contact me at  

Thanks! I look forward to having you in the training tonight.

Stephanie Cutts
Policy Analyst, Cool Cities Campaign
Global Warming and Energy Program
Sierra Club
408 C Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20002

Tel: 202-675-7915
Fax: 202-547-6009

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Marin Independent Journal: Gardening calendar

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from "Community Calendar" Marin I-J

Gardening calendar - Katie Watts

MARIN- Lisa Ludwigsen of the School Garden Co. teaches the basics of worm composting at Suburban Habitat at 866 Grant Ave. View Full Story

For Your Environment



October 12th, 2007


fall On Tuesday October 30th 6:00-8:30pm Green Fusion will host our Healthy Home Event #9 called "Demystifying Green." The focus of this lecture will be on where to find good information about green design, materials and product selection. Speaker Miriam Landman will present an overview of reputable resources for homeowners, designers, and builders. For more information on this free event visit our events page or to register please call: (415) 454-0174
On Tuesday November 6th 6:30-9:30pm Green Fusion will host an EcoNow event concerning: Affordable housing and its role in a sustainable future. Speakers will include: Lamar Turner, Senior Development Project Manager for Excellence to Affordable Housing (EAH) and Katie Crecelius, Founding Member of the Marin Environmental Housing Collaborative, Food and drink will be provided by Stefano's Solar Powered Pizza and the Water Store. For more information on this event contact: econow
Green Fusion is excited to participate in the Green Home section of the Western Interior and Design Home show in San Franciso on Oct. 26-28. We will display the latest in healthy, beautiful green trends for the bedroom- gorgeous cork floors, natural rubber beds, rich colorful organic cotton, silky soft bamboo linens and custom bamboo bedroom furniture. For more information on this event visit: WI D Home Show

What's on Sale?

For October, Green Fusion will offer a 15% discount on all bamboo flooring & linens. This includes the latest addition to our floor coverings by Greenwood and Teragren as well as new bamboo linens offered in rich fall colors. Sale ends October 31st.

New Products

At Green Fusion we are always looking for the best products for you to create a healthy home. We have such a wide diversity of interior finishes and furnishings that we have created a complete product line to make it easier at a glance to see what Green Fusion has to offer. Our new product line sheet also includes a list of the most knowledgeable people here at green Fusion for each product. To see our latest product line click here and come visit our expanded showroom to get a feel for the latest green options for your home.

Green Fusion wants to let you know what's happening in the showroom, so we created this FYE (For Your Environment). Please be assured your privacy is very important to us, so we will not; sell, rent, or give your name or email address to anyone. Thanks again for your support. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us.

Green Fusion Design Center

phone: (415) 454-0174

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Natural Logic Webinar Series on "Coming To Grips With Carbon" - Starts October 18th

"Both the prospect of climate change and the reality of changing market expectations demand that companies understand and manage their emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). This four-part webinar series (part of the ongoing Carbon Neutral Learning™ program from Natural Logic.) will bring you practical, up-to-date guidance from leading practitioners.

"Series host: Gil Friend, CEO, Natural Logic

"Dates: Thursdays: October 18, October 25, November 1, November 8
"Time: All sessions begin at 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
"Length: 60 minutes each
"Cost: $129 per session (per location, not per person - feel free to gather your colleagues around a computer and a speakerphone)

"Special offer: 25% discount!
"Join us for the whole series and get a 25% discount. Simply register for the first three sessions and we will automatically register you for the fourth session at no charge.

Register now!

"Figuring Out Your Footprint
"DATE: Thursday, October 18
"TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

"Carbon Emissions Reduction Strategies
"DATE: Thursday, October 25
"TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

"Carbon Trading and Offsets
"DATE: Thursday, November 1
"TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

"Panel Discussion: Future Outlook for Carbon Management
"DATE: Thursday, November 8
"TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

Register now!

"Figuring Out Your Footprint
"DATE: Thursday, October 18
"TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
"Learn how to measure your organization's carbon footprint, efficiently and transparently. Topics include: setting boundaries; managing data; determining conversation factors; conducting the analysis; interpreting and communicating the results.
"Presented by: Kyle Tanger, Principal, Clear Carbon Consulting

"Carbon Emissions Reduction Strategies

"DATE: Thursday, October 25
"TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
"Practical strategies for reducing your company's carbon footprint through efficiency improvements and operational changes. Topics include: conducting a carbon audit; identifying priority emissions sources; identifying and evaluating alternatives; making the financial case; managing implementation.
"Presented by: Malcolm Lewis, President, CTG Energetics

"Carbon Trading and Offsets
"DATE: Thursday, November 1
"TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
"With AB 32 carbon trading regulations coming on line in California, carbon trading in the United States will move from voluntary to economically driven. This session will address what you'll need to know to develop your trading strategy and implement it profitably. (And to understand the debate over whether offsets represent efficient capital allocation or modern indulgences). Presented by: Adam Davis, President, Solano Partners

"Panel Discussion: Future Outlook for Carbon Management

"DATE: Thursday, November 8
"TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Join our panel of experts to look over the horizon at the future of carbon management and climate change issues, including: regulatory directions; business strategies; and prospects for new technologies.
Gil Friend, Kyle Tanger, Malcolm Lewis, Adam Davis

"Register now!
"About the presenters
"Gil Friend is president and CEO of Natural Logic, Inc., a sustainability consulting firm helping clients build economic advantage through exceptional environmental performance. A systems ecologist and business strategist with 35 years experience in business, communications and environmental innovation, Friend combines broad business experience with unique content experience spanning strategy, systems ecology, economic development, management cybernetics, and public policy. Tomorrow Magazine called him "One of the country's leading environmental management consultants -- a real expert who combines theoretical sophistication with hands-on, in-the-trenches know-how."
"Kyle Tanger is principal of Clear Carbon Consulting. He manages numerous GHG and energy projects with Fortune 50, Federal, and Non-Profit clients. Kyle has managed the inventory efforts of multiple clients with combined emissions totaling in excess of 60 million metric tons CO2. Mr. Tanger served as a peer reviewer for the World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development's Greenhouse Gas Protocol, contributed extensive written comments to multiple guidance documents for GHG registries, and has presented at international GHG conferences. He has worked extensively to create tools that measure financial performance of climate mitigation strategies and offset portfolios.
"Dr. Malcolm Lewis, P.E., President of CTG Energetics, has over 30 years of experience in engineering design and analysis of building energy-using systems. He has been the engineer of record for over 25 million square feet of new construction and renovation projects for public and private sectors. Specialized experience with the introduction of innovative technologies into buildings and design processes; since the mid-1990�s his practice has focused on the design of "green buildings." He fuses his expertise in energy- efficiency and green buildings to lead his firm's practice in carbon emissions reduction. He has served as an adjunct Professor in the UCLA School of Architecture, and he holds a Doctor of Engineering degree from Dartmouth College.
"Adam Davis is President of Solano Partners, Inc., a consulting firm focused on environmental economics and conservation finance issues. Prior to founding Solano Partners, Adam served as Director of the Environment Division for EPRIsolutions, a consulting firm owned by the Electric Power Research Institute. Adam also co-founded and served as Principal at Natural Strategies, Inc., a management consulting firm working with companies to integrate sustainability principles into business strategy. Core clients included British Petroleum (Solar division), John Hancock Financial Services, Lowe's (home improvement stores), Southern California Edison, Genencor International, and the State of California (Cal EPA).

Carbon Neutral Learning™
Natural Logic
PO Box 119 Berkeley, California 94701
Just announced: Natural Logic is proud to co-sponsor
the Netherlands America Business Exchange Innovation Program

Presenting "Origins of the Market Economy and Innovation Today" with Starbuck's Co-Founder Jerry Baldwin and renowned Laureate Jan de Vries (October 22, 7:30 AM), and "The Future of Innovation" with Natural Logic CEO Gil Friend and senior executives from Google/YouTube, Sun Microsystems, Scale Venture Partners, Band of Angels, McKinsey, Hewlett Packard, RiOS and NASA (November 15, 6:30 PM)."
Details and registration
Organized by The Netherland America Business Exchange of Northern California

Visit our new web site for news of other upcoming Natural Logic events!
"Both the prospect of climate change and the reality of changing market expectations demand that companies understand and manage their emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). This four-part webinar series (part of the ongoing Carbon Neutral Learning™ program from Natural Logic.) will bring you practical, up-to-date guidance from leading practitioners.

"Series host: Gil Friend, CEO, Natural Logic

Dates: Thursdays: October 18, October 25, November 1, November 8
Time: All sessions begin at 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Length: 60 minutes each
Cost: $129 per session (per location, not per person - feel free to gather your colleagues around a computer and a speakerphone)

Special offer: 25% discount!
Join us for the whole series and get a 25% discount. Simply register for the first three sessions and we will automatically register you for the fourth session at no charge.

Register now!

Figuring Out Your Footprint
DATE: Thursday, October 18
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

Carbon Emissions Reduction Strategies
DATE: Thursday, October 25
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

Carbon Trading and Offsets
DATE: Thursday, November 1
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

Panel Discussion: Future Outlook for Carbon Management
DATE: Thursday, November 8
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)

Register now!

Figuring Out Your Footprint
DATE: Thursday, October 18
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Learn how to measure your organization's carbon footprint, efficiently and transparently. Topics include: setting boundaries; managing data; determining conversation factors; conducting the analysis; interpreting and communicating the results.
Presented by: Kyle Tanger, Principal, Clear Carbon Consulting

Carbon Emissions Reduction Strategies

DATE: Thursday, October 25
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Practical strategies for reducing your company's carbon footprint through efficiency improvements and operational changes. Topics include: conducting a carbon audit; identifying priority emissions sources; identifying and evaluating alternatives; making the financial case; managing implementation.
Presented by: Malcolm Lewis, President, CTG Energetics

Carbon Trading and Offsets
DATE: Thursday, November 1
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
With AB 32 carbon trading regulations coming on line in California, carbon trading in the United States will move from voluntary to economically driven. This session will address what you'll need to know to develop your trading strategy and implement it profitably. (And to understand the debate over whether offsets represent efficient capital allocation or modern indulgences). Presented by: Adam Davis, President, Solano Partners

Panel Discussion: Future Outlook for Carbon Management

DATE: Thursday, November 8
TIME: 1:00pm ET (12:00pm CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Join our panel of experts to look over the horizon at the future of carbon management and climate change issues, including: regulatory directions; business strategies; and prospects for new technologies.
Gil Friend, Kyle Tanger, Malcolm Lewis, Adam Davis

Register now!
About the presenters
Gil Friend is president and CEO of Natural Logic, Inc., a sustainability consulting firm helping clients build economic advantage through exceptional environmental performance. A systems ecologist and business strategist with 35 years experience in business, communications and environmental innovation, Friend combines broad business experience with unique content experience spanning strategy, systems ecology, economic development, management cybernetics, and public policy. Tomorrow Magazine called him "One of the country's leading environmental management consultants -- a real expert who combines theoretical sophistication with hands-on, in-the-trenches know-how."
Kyle Tanger is principal of Clear Carbon Consulting. He manages numerous GHG and energy projects with Fortune 50, Federal, and Non-Profit clients. Kyle has managed the inventory efforts of multiple clients with combined emissions totaling in excess of 60 million metric tons CO2. Mr. Tanger served as a peer reviewer for the World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development's Greenhouse Gas Protocol, contributed extensive written comments to multiple guidance documents for GHG registries, and has presented at international GHG conferences. He has worked extensively to create tools that measure financial performance of climate mitigation strategies and offset portfolios.
Dr. Malcolm Lewis, P.E., President of CTG Energetics, has over 30 years of experience in engineering design and analysis of building energy-using systems. He has been the engineer of record for over 25 million square feet of new construction and renovation projects for public and private sectors. Specialized experience with the introduction of innovative technologies into buildings and design processes; since the mid-1990�s his practice has focused on the design of "green buildings." He fuses his expertise in energy- efficiency and green buildings to lead his firm's practice in carbon emissions reduction. He has served as an adjunct Professor in the UCLA School of Architecture, and he holds a Doctor of Engineering degree from Dartmouth College.
Adam Davis is President of Solano Partners, Inc., a consulting firm focused on environmental economics and conservation finance issues. Prior to founding Solano Partners, Adam served as Director of the Environment Division for EPRIsolutions, a consulting firm owned by the Electric Power Research Institute. Adam also co-founded and served as Principal at Natural Strategies, Inc., a management consulting firm working with companies to integrate sustainability principles into business strategy. Core clients included British Petroleum (Solar division), John Hancock Financial Services, Lowe's (home improvement stores), Southern California Edison, Genencor International, and the State of California (Cal EPA).

Carbon Neutral Learning™
Natural Logic
PO Box 119 Berkeley, California 94701
Just announced: Natural Logic is proud to co-sponsor
the Netherlands America Business Exchange Innovation Program

Presenting "Origins of the Market Economy and Innovation Today" with Starbuck's Co-Founder Jerry Baldwin and renowned Laureate Jan de Vries (October 22, 7:30 AM), and "The Future of Innovation" with Natural Logic CEO Gil Friend and senior executives from Google/YouTube, Sun Microsystems, Scale Venture Partners, Band of Angels, McKinsey, Hewlett Packard, RiOS and NASA (November 15, 6:30 PM). Details and registration
Organized by The Netherland America Business Exchange of Northern California

Visit our new web site for news of other upcoming Natural Logic events!

Natural Logic PO Box 119 Berkeley CA 94701

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Cool Cities Steps It Up



StepItUp: Who's a Leader?

At a time when great leadership is needed, you are providing it: in your homes, in your towns, and across the country. Through the movement you are building, you are calling on our politicians to show the same sort of leadership.

We're joining StepItUp for action on November 3rd to bring solutions, innovation and economic opportunity.

Join an event or, better yet, hold one and invite your mayor!


Can your city or town rise to the occasion? Watch Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson challenge every mayor in America to Step It Up on November 3rd.




Learn about Emissions Inventories

The first major step towards a comprehensive climate action plan is an emissions inventory. What is an inventory and how is ICLEI software used to calculate it? If you are trying to answer these questions, this training is for you.

Join us on Tuesday, October 16 at 4:30 pm PT/ 5:30 pm MT/ 6:30 pm CT/ 7:30 pm ET for a 60 minute training.

RSVP to Stephanie Cutts and she'll send details a couple of days prior to the call!


Blue-Light Special: North Carolina

The North Carolina chapter released a new report on the great stuff happening in the Tar Heel state. From Raleigh's LED Lighting Pilot Program to Durham's Fuel Efficiency Fleet Initiative, solutions are being made real across the state.

Stay up to date on the happenings with North Carolina's blog! 

Cool Cities Best Practices Report Released!

NC Report


Check out our new report
"Cool Cities Best Practices: What communities across North Carolina are doing to solve global warming".








Sierra Club | 85 Second St., San Francisco, CA 94105 | |


Posted By carl macki to thizzled at 10/04/2007 03:23:00 PM

Google Transit

from Techcrunch

Google Transit Graduates From Google Labs

googtransitlogo.jpgGoogle Transit

"The service is now fully integrated into Google Maps, with users now being able to select "Take Public Transit" as an alternative to driving instructions.

"Google Transit doesn't cover public transport everywhere, but the list is growing. According to Google recent additions include transit maps for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, and Hampton Roads (VA) Transit and the Bay Area Rapid Transit System. Non-US transit mapping is also available for China, Japan and parts of Europe."


Snap Shots

Get Free Shots from