Thursday, March 27, 2014

If non-profits are to address the failures of a market system, then does it follow that the market system can address the failures of non-profits? That I think is the core of the issue that Dan Palotta addresses in this fascinating TED talk.

 Dan Palotta is Chief Humanity Officer of Advertising for Humanity, and the author of Charity Case: How the Nonprofit Community Can Stand Up for Itself and Really Change the World.

 Read transcript here --

Friday, March 21, 2014

E-Waste Collection at Earth Day Marin

CTRC will be collecting e-waste at Earth Day Marin on April 6th 11-5pm at Redwood High School in Larkspur. 
Bring your obsolescent electronics, your broken, your discarded, digital urchins. 
If we can refurbish them, we will give them to schools, non-profits and families or individuals that need a computer.
CTRC is a responsible e-collector. We are e-Stewards certified, meaning we adhere to strict environmental guidelines regarding the recycling and reuse of metals, plastics, minerals and other material in the e-waste.

* 42 Digital Drive *in Bel Marin Keys * (415) 883-1428

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